The green monster of death

2011 march 1st when the monster was first ever seen to the human eyes. It started one day when 3 friends were at the playground, 2 of them were 10 and one was 11. they were about to go on the slide... just then the unbelievable happened, this green monster ran at them making a screaming howl at full speed, the monster ran 30 mph. the boys screamed and tried going down the slide as fast as possible. didn't make it, the monster grabbed one of the kids, the kid screamed and squirmed, the creature threw the kid 40 feet in the air and the boy landed on a car. the 2 other friends ran away shouting for help. the monster ran after them, got another kid and ripped him in half. only one kid survived (the older one obviously) and the kid convinced his mom telling her that a giant 8 foot monster with 4 arms and black angry eyes and large mouth and scorpion like tail killed his friends.
the mom thought the kid was acting immature. but the next day cops were all over the case and the case was on the news. the police doesn't know who or WHAT killed them, the boy told the cops but the cops didn't believe.

After the encounter

the school was closed for 3 days then back open. the 11 year old (his names tom) told all the other kids what happened and how it happened, the students know but thought tom was joking around with the monster. nobody believed him until the second encounter.

2nd encounter

6 drunk horny idiotic teenagers were camping without permission . that's when they heard a unusual howl. the monster broke a tree and ran to the teens, the teens screamed and took a run. the monster grabbed one teen that was a guy and ate him. the other teens got in there van. the monster barged its elbow into the van, the van fell to the ground. the teens ran as fast as they ever did and stole some peoples bikes and biked away.

After 2nd encounter

the teens reported what happened and described the creature. cops were all over the case (there was the blood of the eaten teen on the tent and grass and trees). tom and the teens had no relation ship and never met, coincidence or not?. tom and the teens talked about it and said there experiences.
that's when the encounters took a SHARP turn and turned it into a whole new level!

The encounter that turned everything ape shit

a 16 year old man named dave was in his house watching some family guy drunk as usual. that's when the power went out. dave was like WHAT THE FUCK?. he then heard thumping on the walls and very hard scratching, that's when he heard huge thumping on the door. dave opened the door to see the creature. dave slammed the fucking door shut. dave got his shot gun from upstairs and ran back down to find the door broken open. the TV was broken and daves dog was dead. dave was so scared and angry (mostly angry). the creature bite'd dave hard in the shoulder. dave shot the thing in the head multiple times, the creature scratched dave with its claws and made a howling sound and jumped out the window. dave got his camera and took a picture of it running.


dave contacted the police and was part of the team to find this creature so he showed the picture. now the cops knew it was real.

some other stuff

after those encounters, monster hunters been all around those areas trying to find the beast. but they didn't find it. people actually now knows where it lives. the unknown creature lives under a broken bridge with dry water. some people even say they see it throwing and pushing cars around.
some encounters even say that the creature is with 2 other of the creatures as theres more than one.
the creature is still alive under that bridge. nobody has gone down to kill it yet. the place is not giving.